Marbleyard / Cottage Furnace Area

There are a couple levels of potential in the Marbleyard / Cottage Furnace area on the Powell-Estill County line. 

The larger local proposal includes a trail connection from downtown Irvine/Ravenna into the National Forest to the Cottage Furnace site and then another trail and on-road connection from Cottage Furnace to the Fitchburg Furnace site.

The smaller low-hanging fruit project is a ridgetop trail system proposal near the top of Lone Oak Road centered on FR 2056.   Currently you can ride FR 2056 and nearby FR 230 (Horse Ridge) for a combined out and back ride of more than 8 miles. Horse Ridge is a key component of the longer Irvine to Fitchburg Furnace connection but there is also potential along Horse Ridge for purpose-built singletrack. 

The key to success for this project is to involve local community groups and users to define a clear vision and rally support at a local level for funding and construction.

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